Renal/Kidney Panel
Christopher Souser
I am awaiting my first test cards but one of things that made pull the trigger is a lot of a renal panel seems to be in the card or coming. When I get them I plan to do them at the same time as my actual UAs part of my labs for comparison.. it would be great if I could do some critical ones myself.
Though the content on Vessel Health website and some external websites (ie. reliefseeker) contradicts a bit.
I would like to see the following part of the test.
- Potassium (ext sites say is; vessel does not)
- Magnesium (Part of Test already)
- Phosphorus (no mention)
- Calcium (no mention)
- Protein / Creatinine Ratio. (says coming soon)
Having this functionality would be HUGE for renal/kidney/dialysis patients to monitor this themselves and make dynamic changes to their diet and on a more regular basis than they currently do.
This plus the the nutritional information also will allow them to ensure they are getting correct nutrition on their very restricted renal diet.
As a CKD transplant patient I've been tracking my labs for almost 25 years and would love this and happy to assist / beta with any of this.
Christopher Souser
I did my first card last week and Potassium was not part of the test nor was the coming soon Protein / Creatinine Ratio.
Sue Engasser
Christopher Souser: We are not currently testing for Potassium. Creatinine is coming soon as well as Calcium! We are here to chat if you would like. Kindly visit our support page at and you can chat with us or send us an email at
Christopher Souser
Sue Engasser: So where is the status of this and will existing old cards work or we will need updated cards? It was coming soon when I first signed up a year ago and now its December 2021 and they still say coming soon when I open the app and site. Soon to me means within a quarter.. not 1 year+ out?!
Sue Engasser
Christopher Souser: You are 100% correct that we have fallen behind where we had hoped to be for these tests. We are very sorry for this and wish we could share that it's live. We are committed to only launching new tests when we know the accuracy is where we want it to be. The three tests that are launching next are Sodium, Potassium and Creatinine. We have Sodium and Potassium ready but Creatinine is in the final stages. We need Creatinine to be live in order to launch Sodium and Potassium accurately and successfully. Our updated timeline for these three are early 2022 (January/February 2022). We did just launch free nutritional coaching via chat and newly live programs in the app. We've built out a team of incredible Nutritional Coaches that can help review your results with you, set goals and guide you through some of our new wellness programs. If you have not had a chance to check it out yet please do so and let us know what you think. Lastly, we can't wait to share the news when these new tests are live!