I Also Hate That You Show The Same Video Every Time Your Waiting The 3 Min. Change It To New Useful Content Or Turn It Off After One View. It Just Turns Off My Podcast And Annoys Me Further!
Layla Saad
There is now 1 video required to watch for first-time users and after that, it will no longer play automatically!
Layla Saad
Merged in a post:
New/Different Testing Video
Sarah Russell
Feedback that video during testing is "annoying" as it auto plays every time you test.
Sarah Rudder
Having a video yell "CONGRATULATIONS, you're taking your first step towards..." first thing in the morning while you're in the bathroom discreetly trying to measure your urine is a user experience I never thought I'd need to say was a bad idea.
Layla Saad
Sarah Rudder: We have just made adjustments here so that the video only auto-plays for the first test and will not play for the following tests! Thank you for this feedback!
Jayme Knoch
agreed, and it usually turns off my morning podcast!